Monday, January 4, 2010

Acne: The Solution

By adopting a treatment "against acne, it is sometimes very easy to end up frustrated. Today there are so many acne treatments cons to such an extent that it becomes very embarrassing to know what treatment to choose. Here are some tips to help you get rid of your acne

"Do not pinch or touch any button. The only result
you get by doing this is a button redder
and inflamed because of the way you distribute bacteria to other
parts of your face and you introduce new bacteria into what is becoming an open wound, and you may in this way to have a severe scar

-Put an ice pack on the button for a few unpleasant
minutes and do the same thing every half hour. Use an ice cube, but wrap it in a piece of cloth to prevent the skin that surrounds the button is burned. The ice will help reduce the swelling and pain.

-Have on hand a tube of cream or ointment emergency cons acne that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid and apply on pimples. Avoid the possible use of these products in extensive areas because they are very drying.

-Avoid any personal care product that contains toxic chemicals derived from petrochemical products is called "acne cons" and also avoid synthetic fragrances.

-Remember that the best creams are those that contain benzoyl peroxide, the application of the cream remains one of the treatments against acne the most effective and which are available over the counter, even better, some categories are natural and contain around 2.5% benzoyl peroxide which is an ideal level.

-Wash your face at least three times a day without using harsh chemicals or fragrance. Rub the skin gently without using anything harder than a clean towel for makeup or other accessories that may accompany the products against acne.

You will notice very shortly after starting to use a good cream that you are about to get good results, but this does not mean that you have completed your treatment against acne

The gel of benzoyl peroxide will dry your acne as and
and why you should continue to apply in a consistent manner.

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