Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fewer headaches due to light exercise?

Who would think to do physical activity when a migraine? Yet it seems only complied with certain exercises can reduce the frequency and intensity of these throbbing headaches. This is what Swedish researchers discovered as part of a small study which was attended by 26 people and migraine disinclined to activity physique1. For 12 weeks, they followed an exercise program for a warm-up period of 15 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of indoor cycling to moderate intensity. Each of the three weekly sessions ended with a gradual return to rest, which consisted of 5 minutes of light effort. First observation of importance, except for one participant, no one has experienced migraine immediately after a workout. Similarly, all participants improved their ability to absorb oxygen and heart health without increasing their migraines. On the contrary, they have had migraines as a result of 12 weeks of the program were less frequent and less intense than at the beginning. They also reported a significant improvement in their quality of life. Because of the limited number of participants, the results can not be extrapolated to the entire population. That's why researchers want to conduct a study on a larger scale to better compare the effects of aerobic activity on migraine.

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