Monday, December 21, 2009

Are you afraid to come to do what you want

It goes too fast or lasts an eternity
Steals your most precious moments
How to retain, the tame
Touching moments the sweetest, most secret
It gives you or you fly
It would, would draw on the tame
that we obey
But continually, regularly escapes
"I was there before and would there after" he murmurs t
He runs regularly
the hourglass, the dial, the watch or clock.
The time you eat? consumes you?
Enjoy the life with him
It becomes your friend.
These few lines about the time that elapses puts you in the face of reality.
Are we slaves to our shows, our calendar or our obligations. The time that passes without our being able or wanted to do the thinking necessary to improve which would be a better source of living.
Nevertheless tricks are so simple and full of common sense, we turn next.
A simple question: What would you do with more time? Kids your friends, what could you share more? Leisure, travel?
Your hobbies? What are they if you could enjoy more often
Chores? Better organized, they would be no less demanding?
And if after reading these few lines, you start to take stock of your personal organization.
Do you classify your priorities? Some of your spots are they really important? Your goals are sufficiently realistic? defined?
Can you rank your goals in order of priority or importance? Give you often after some of your spots yet urgent?
Whoever you are, whatever position you were in, the tips you find here will help you manage your personal organization to better enjoy the moments of life.

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