Saturday, December 26, 2009

We are all medium

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with the world of the invisible, with souls who have left behind their physical bodies, but with beings of light that is called channeling ... there are a thousand possible with mediumship .
A medium means "middle" is the link between heaven and earth, there is a channel through which information passes from the higher planes.
Mediumship is not reserved for an elite or a group of elected officials who would be better than any others and would be rewarded with the gift.
Not mediumship is in us for some it has developed from birth and for others it is buried inside by blocking often due to education, fear of seeing, hearing or feel ...
Mediumship is a gift if your intention is to be a channel of light that wants to help humanity you have nothing to fear your protection is your love for others!
There is no age to develop his mediumship just need a little training and perseverance.
I compare it to an athlete if he is not training he will not get the result coveted for mediumship is similar to those that are not developed because of obstacles I mentioned above, they need a little more effort than others, but the reward is at the end!
You want to learn to develop your extrasensory perceptions are perceptions which do not use our 5 physical senses but our senses subtle as clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy and mediumship ... I offer courses at 'Using simple exercises will help you open the world of the unseen!
For that I'll see you on my site where you have all the information.

I am medium since birth and already I exercise a lot of years, if you want to know more about me contact me and I'll send my free ebook.

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