Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dreams and Passions

That is the theme of an evening "Galas merits" held in a versatile, in May last evening which I attended. What a wonderful evening surrounded by all these deserving young people and other equally deserving accompanying, encouraging and applauding their comrades.
As adults, we have great lessons to be learned from this beautiful youth. I've heard them think aloud by saying "Oh! Young people today are like this, they are just that, etc.. "
We adults, when was the last night we went to encourage a friend, a colleague, a colleague? When we welcomed, embraced these same people for their successes and their efforts? Be honest, acknowledge that the adult human being is far more likely to envy and denigrate to manifest his joy for the success of another? What a mess! Yet it is so beautiful to see these young people applauding, hugging and encouragement.
As in any gala, some come back disappointed, embittered, frustrated and sometimes they can be discouraged. At this time, as adults, we must take action.
They need us to tell them, make them understand that life is a series of obstacles that must be used to advance, much like a mountaineer to climb the highest mountains.
Our attitude should reflect what we hope the best for our young adults of tomorrow. Is this jealousy and contempt, or rather encouragement, joy and gratitude for the success of others? Our youth are full of life, projects, passions and dreams. For us to guide and encourage.
Contrary to this evening, in everyday life, our young people dare not speak their dreams and passions to adults, Why? I venture an answer: too often, they make fun of them, they are saying "Come on, you know that it does not make sense your business, get out of your dreams, you can never do that, etc.. "
Adults who have left their own dreams on the shelf trying to get young adults of tomorrow at the same level. Why? Fear they consciously or unconsciously that young do better in life?
Is that our role as adult? Asking the question is to answer it.
At the beginning of the school year why not take the time to listen to the dreams and passions of our youth, to support and encourage. Do it, you'll see they do not disappoint. You will never regret it.

For comments or questions about this article or another, do not hesitate to contact me.

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