Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to be always motivated: 5 secrets revealed

The first secret is positive thinking.

It is becoming optimistic in everything you do and everything that happens to you. Always see the bright side. This makes a lot of good to our subconscious that you have an alternative. A concrete example would be to observe its progress more often than its failures. That makes all the difference to know even encouraged by oneself. Be careful not to exaggerate. This is a double-edged sword. Do not hide your eyes on seeing things that are not true.

The second secret is visualization.

I would do a more comprehensive article on this concept Soon. For now see a simple explanation. Visualization is the act of thinking for some time to events experienced or not.
The secret to apply here for your goals, reward or result. You often see your results (which will be future after a project) in order to stay motivated to face challenges.
A metaphor for you to understand. Imagine yourself trying to climb a mountain. When you are tired and will want to give up, do this. Visualize you to the mountaintop pleased with your work and watching the scenery. The good feelings of this display will suffice to give you the tone to continue.

The third secret is self motivation.

You must learn to motivate himself. If any obstacle before you influençable.Comment do? Creating little techniques that trigger in you the passion, fishing and energy. For example, to motivate me to study here I stand and I study aloud to a table.
I by the fact that this way of studying inspires me. This is to make the most of mos moments of adrenaline. For another person to play sports, sing a certain song or say certain words with a certain tone is more efficace.Observez you and learn your moments of adrenaline.

The fourth secret: The activity pro cons hyperactivity or hypoactivity.

I mean pro active ability to act and do so routinely.
Hyperactivity is being constantly taking action, always in motion. The hypoactivity is simply the opposite of hyperactivity. It sometimes takes the name appears. I would advise you to be more active qu'hypo hyper active. The excesses are detrimental to the health of man, that's why we chose the proactivity. The principle is simple: act! Take action. Nothing is too much thinking without acting. Remember that every action you ask is a new opportunity for success, experience learning or teaching. Here I use the secret 1. People do not act fairly because of their beliefs that lock them into the vicious circle of hypoactivity which in turn causes procrastination.

The fifth secret is called the To Do List.

Everyone knows what he has to do even if it does not always. The To Do List of English means the list of things to do. Understand first why we need a list of things to do. Note that 1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 + ... .... CA is a lot (like the mathematical way). This means that an interesting method to do what you do is divide it into tiny single action. The most difficult work becomes a breeze. As soon as we know it has a job to do, we must immediately think of dividing the work into small, therefore the first is the famous to do List. It is very simple and uses the secret 2. Think of all actions performed in the order and details. Each time you do put more intensity. Then it will be as it is already done. The strength to do comes naturally. An example for breakfast I take the green cup on the shelf, I take milk in the refrigerator, I take sugar .... and so on

These secrets are simple to implement. Put into practice the end of reading this article. You must be repeated every day for your activities and results will be very soon.
Good luck.

About the Author:
Hi, I is Wilfried Mbouenda and I created the blog book4u To help everyone to choose and read books that could change his life. I manage this blog since March 2009 and have already proposed books in the field of health, internet, personal development and job search. I am also studying computer science, I love programming and I created two OSS

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